Season 2 Episode 1: Dr. Rich Feller and the Future of Career Development

In this episode, Hans interviews Dr. Rich Feller, expert practitioner and researcher on how children, youth and adults navigate career options and life transitions.

Rich tells his story and his latest work in pushing through new frontiers in career development education.

Learn more about Rich and his work at

About Rich

Helping individuals and organizations maximize talent by reimagining work, learning and well-being choices. Inspired by education’s promise, I try to honor learning styles, promote access and provide clarity about navigating a lifetime of transitions.  Former National Career Development Association President, consultant in all 50 states and six continents.

Awarded the University Distinguished Teaching Scholar status at Colorado State University, I consult on national projects, create career development tools, keynote, train, and research trends. Within (face-to-face and digital program for 40M+), (aptitude assessment), (and print version used by 14M+), (CINE award winning), OneLifeTools, Inc. (face-to-face and virtual board game, online storyteller, and, and Senior Research Scholar within the Dept. of Elect and Computer Engineering. I collaborate to scale innovation and ideas.

Clients include Emerson, NFL, Jackson Financial, NASA, NSF, the UN, Asian Development Bank, Japan Institute for Social and Economic Affairs, Korea’s Seoul Tech, China’s Renmin University, and Peru’s First Lady.

Involvements: Nationally Certified Counselor (NCC), Nationally Certified Career Counselor (NCCC) Licensed Professional Counselor, NCDA Fellow and recipient of the NCDA Eminent Career Award. I work to connect counseling, coaching and consulting concepts within large scale projects.

Vocational school and college admissions counselor, and parent educator –  early adopter of ACT’s Decide Program, basketball coach, various part-time jobs. Training by Albert Ellis, Carl Rogers, and Richard Bolles I learned to appreciate rational thinking, reflection’s power, and skill identification. Within NIU’s counselor ed faculty I was mentored by David Tiedeman, career information systems and designing careers visionary. Mark Savickas, Richard Leider, Joe Vasos, Mark Franklin, and Richard Rohr influence me greatly.

Family: Barbara, my best friend (wife) and physical therapist, and Chris, my hero (son), shape my decisions.

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